This is my special spaghetti recipe. My sister's fave. I will share it for you guys. You can use your own measure. You can put more sugar if you like it sweet, put chili sauce if you like it hot, whatever. Cooking is about feeling, haha.
Spaghetti ala Nina
a bowl of corn (shredded or canned)
2 sausages, cut round
1/2 cup of finely chopped onion
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
freshly ground pepper
2 spoons of oregano
5 meatballs, sliced or diced
1 spoon of corn starch
1 cup of tomato paste
5 spoons of tomato ketchup
vegetable oil
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add also 2 spoons of vegetable oil. Add the spaghetti and cook until it is al dente, about 10 minutes. Drain and toss the spaghetti.
Heat 2 spoons of vegetable oil over medium-high heat in a skillet, saute chopped onion and garlic. Put tomato paste and tomato ketchup. Add corn and a cup of water. Cover the skillet for a while and let the mixture boil.
Open the skillet cover, put sausages and meatballs in the mixture, add salt, sugar, pepper, and oregano. Stir thoroughly.
Put corn starch in a bowl, add water to dissolve it. Add this into the sauce mixture and stir thoroughly. The sauce is done.
Place the spaghetti in a serving platter and arrange the sauce on top. Put parmesan or cheddar cheese as you like. Serve immediately.
I don't have the picture right now, but I will try to take some next time I cook this again.
Labels: English Posts, Recipe
What you see in the video is the sulphuric smoke in Gedong Songo (literally means "nine buildings") temple, Bandungan, Semarang, Indonesia. If you have never been to Gedong Songo yet, that is one of the cool things you can see there. I think the video doesn't look good (I'm an amateur :P), better see the real thing, haha.
Here are some pictures of the temples:
Labels: English Posts, Vacation
That is a set of Javanese gamelan, one of Indonesia's traditional music instruments. Playing one called gong looks easy, but my prof said that was the hardest one. He said that playing demung or saron, or whatever (I forgot the name) is easier. I thought I would only have to hit it once and wouldn't have to remember the tone and all that, haha. It's not that simple though.
Labels: English Posts, Rambling
I wrote this in the class. I was really bored that time, haha. I think this one is a silly poem.
I'm in the class now, sitting
Listening to a lecture that is boring
I just want to sing,
but I don't want to break down this building
'Cos my voice is damn terrifying
Labels: English Posts, Poetry
Saya punya beberapa cerita menarik tentang kesalahan (tidak melulu kesalahan sih) dalam berbahasa asing. They're really hilarious!
Sepupu (anak dari bude) saya dan dua anak yang kos di rumahnya bingung bagaimana mengatakan "kamar mandinya sudah kosong" dalam bahasa Inggris (the room is empty) kepada teman saya dari Amerika. Karena tidak tahu, mereka hampir saja mengucapkan "the room is zero," hahaha. Untung saja mereka diam dan cuma senyum-senyum saja, hahah. Kata sepupu saya, "kamar" bahasa Inggrisnya "the room" dan "kosong", karena tidak tahu, mereka pikir "ah, kosong kan sama dengan nol, nol kan bahasa Inggrisnya "zero," jadi "kamarnya kosong = the room is zero." Haha, coba saat itu Anda ada di sana, pasti tertawa tiada tara. *alah*
Teman Amerika saya membaca koran Suara Merdeka, lalu dia baca headline yang ada kata "anak buah." Dia tanya pada saya, "anak buah? baby fruit"? Lalu saya bilang, anak buah = subordinate. Haha, maklumlah, walaupun sudah tahu sedikit bahasa Indonesia, kalau soal idiom dia belum paham.
Temannya teman saya, juga orang Amerika (tapi sudah pinter bahasa Indonesia), menyebut tempe mendoan "ini tempenya didoankan." Memangnya "mendoan" kata kerja?? Lalu hal ini saya tanyakan ke teman Amerika saya, "Is the word mendoan verb, adjective, or adverb?" dan dia jawab verb karena ada awalan men-. Hahaha...
Satu lagi saya ingat. Ini saya sendiri yang salah, tapi dalam bahasa Jawa. Dulu waktu kelas 3 SD, ada pertanyaan begini: "Andri ... pitike" dengan gambar anak yang memberi makan ayam. Saya jawab "Andri ndulang pitike" (Andri menyuapi ayamnya), padahal seharusnya "Andri makani pitike" (Andri memberi makan ayamnya). Walah, lha wong sampai sekarang saja bahasa Jawa krama saya juga masih berantakan..hehe.
Labels: Rambling